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A sewing magnifier is a device to check the quality of seams and to search for various fabric defects. Sewing magnifiers are widely used in manufacture. In addition, such magnifiers will be useful for handicrafts.

Sewing magnifiers may be used to search for defects and damage of fabric, determine its density, monitor the quality of seams. The design of a magnifying glass for sewing makes it possible to leave your hands free. You will also find folding models here that are handy to carry around. Apart from their designated purpose, such magnifiers may be used in other fields, for example in numismatics or stamp-collecting.

Buy a sewing magnifying glass: with a clamp or a tabletop?

For sewing, magnifiers with a large field of view and low magnification are usually chosen. The larger the eyepiece is, the more convenient it is to do handicrafts. And high magnification is even necessary since sewing requires viewing the entire item and not its individual parts. It is good when a sewing magnifier is complete with lighting, in this case it combines two devices at once: a magnifier and a lamp. Even if a sewing machine is well-lit, you can never have too much light for handicrafts – the more there is from a magnifying glass, the better. LEDs are usually installed into magnifiers, their light is bright and they deplete the battery charge sparingly.

The most often sold sewing magnifying glass – tabletop and fixed with a clamp. The first are simply put on a table, and the second ones may be fixed on the edge of the table or on a shelf of a wall hanging cupboard. Buy a sewing magnifier on a clamp, if you don’t have enough space on your worktable. It’s good if a magnifier tripod is flexible or at least sectional – then it will be convenient to locate an eyepiece right above your handicrafts. On the other hand, classic tabletop magnifiers are more stable. And sometimes there is a compartment in the base of such magnifier for sundries, where you can put needles, several sewing spools, a thimble and other handy stuff.