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Telescopes for experienced users with high level of knowledge of the subject. Include models of all optical designs for terrestrial, planetary and deep-sky observations. Are perfect tools for astrophotography.

Find the best telescopes for experienced users

In this section of our catalogue you will find some of the best telescopes for experienced users – portable, powerful, reliable and producing images of striking quality. Here you will be able to choose your first serious instrument or find a new or more advanced telescope, if your old equipment broke or you have overgrown it. Buying a telescope is a very important step, so take you time and compare all available options in order to find your perfect instrument.

Choosing an amateur telescope is a very personal decision, but here is some universal advice that commonly applies to all astronomers. First of all, your astronomy equipment should be portable – if you are into it for real, then you should be ready to chase the best observational spots and conditions. If tonight is the night of the astronomy event of the century, then it’s no time for simple but bulky scopes – you should be ready to pack and go and see it no matter what it takes. Secondly, your working instrument should be reliable and never let you down, so you should opt for a dependable, sturdy and steady mount. One more important thing to consider is whether you want to observe “old school” and find celestial objects yourself, or if you want to enjoy the gifts of progress and get quick results with a GoTo mount. And, of course, you would want to get larger aperture and better quality optics – here you are free to go as far as your budget lets you.