Lifetime Warranty See details
The price is valid only for the online store and may differ from the prices in retail stores.

Newtonian telescope. Aperture: 114mm. Focal length: 1000mm

Optical design
Aperture – the diameter of the light-collecting lens or mirror that the telescope uses to collect light

Product ID 27645
Brand Levenhuk, Inc., USA
Warranty lifetime
EAN 0611901508887
Package size (LxWxH) 32.3x15.4x9.8 in
Shipping Weight 22.1 lb

Levenhuk Skyline 120x1000 EQ is a Newtonian reflecting telescope. Its mirrors produce no chromatic aberration, which may be especially noticeable during observations of brighter objects with a refracting telescope. The long focal length of this telescope makes it the perfect choice for observations of planets, features of the lunar surface and binary stars. The large, 114-mm primary mirror gathers so much light (2.25 times more than its 76-mm counterpart) that this telescope produces very detailed views of bright deep-sky objects. Additionally – thanks to the capabilities of this telescope – you can even try your hand at astrophotography. The equatorial mount that comes with Levenhuk Skyline 120x1000 EQ makes this telescope even more practical and precise. Overall, this instrument will make a wonderful addition to the equipment of any amateur stargazer.


  • Suitable deep sky objects study: nebulae, galaxies, globular clusters and faint stars;
  • Fairly small overall dimensions for the focal length of 1000 millimeters (39.4 inches);
  • Contrast and sharp images without distortion;
  • Can be used for astrophotography.

The kit includes:

  • Telescope optical tube (optical elements inside)
  • SUPER 25 and SUPER 10 eyepieces
  • Equatorial mount EQ1
  • Aluminum tripod
  • 2x Barlow lens
  • User manual and lifetime warranty
Product ID 27645
Brand Levenhuk, Inc., USA
Warranty lifetime
EAN 0611901508887
Package size (LxWxH) 32.3x15.4x9.8 in
Shipping Weight 22.1 lb
Optical design reflector
Optical scheme Newtonian
Primary mirror diameter (aperture), in 4.5
Highest practical power, x 230
Aperture ratio f/8,8
Resolution threshold, arcseconds 1.2
Limiting stellar magnitude 12.2
Eyepieces SUPER 25mm, SUPER 10mm
Eyepiece barrel diameter, in 1.25
Barlow lens 2x
Finderscope optical, 5x24
Focuser 1.25", rack & pinion
Tripod aluminum
Tripod height (adjustable), in 27.95–48.43
Mount equatorial
Optical tube weight, lbs 7.9
User level beginners
Observed object deep-sky objects
Questions and Answers
Romus Arias (2018.03.27)
What erecting eyepiece fits this telescope?
Customer service:
Levenhuk Skyline 120x1000 EQ Telescope is a Newtonian reflector. Erecting eyepiece is not compatible with reflectors. It cannot correct mirrored images (reversed left to right).
Nancy (2017.11.08)
Hello! You wrote that Barlow lens is built-in into the telescope, but what is that on the picture next to the eyepieces? Isn’t it Barlow lens? Or there’s another one inside? I don’t see anything in the focuser (I figured it should be there as in my Bresser Pollux 150/1400 EQ3). Maybe it is somewhere else?
Customer service:
The Barlow lens, which extends the focal length, and the Barlow lens, giving an additional magnification, are two different lenses. The first one is located inside the tube and cannot be seen.
Nancy (2017.11.04)
Tell me the actual focal length of the Levenhuk Skyline 120x1000 EQ telescope without a Barlow lens. If it is 1000 mm, then how is it achieved? the tube length is 500 mm.
Customer service:
Focal length of the Levenhuk Skyline 120x1000 EQ Telescope is 1000 mm. Barlow lens is built into the tube and increases it 2 times. It is non-removable.
Dmitrey (2017.10.02)
Hello! What objects can be observed through this telescope? Can I view terrestrial objects as well? Does the kit include a Barlow lens?
Customer service:
Through the Levenhuk Skyline 120x1000 EQ you will be able to observe: structure of sunspots, phases of Mercury, lunar canyons and craters (5.5 km in diameter), polar ice caps on Mars, more atmospheric bands of Jupiter, shadows from its moons on the planetary disk, Cassini Division in the rings of Saturn and five of its moons, Uranus and Neptune as tiny disks. You will also be able to see tens of globular clusters, diffuse and planetary nebulae, and galaxies. All of Messier objects, the brightest NGC objects under good conditions, features of bright nebulae, galaxies, however, are viewed as bleak gray spots. The telescope is not suitable for terrestrial observations, since the image will be reversed left to right and upside down. 2o Barlow lens is included in the package.
Lex Newman (2017.08.23)
Are there any filters for this telescope? Moon, solar filter?
Customer service:
Levenhuk Strike 60 NG has a non-standard eyepiece barrel diameter. We do not have these Moon filters in our product range. We suggest taking a look at solar filters made of Baader AstroSolar film.
charles lee (2016.12.22)
hi,can i install R.A axis motor drive on this telescope for long exposure astrophography?
and where can i buy it?
Customer service:
Dear Charles, thank you for your inquiry. Yes, the telescope can be used with the motor drive. We do not have them in our product range.
ivy ng (2016.12.17)
is the t ring adapter include with the barlow lens?
Customer service:
Dear Ivy, thank you for your inquiry. The Barlow lens comes without a T-ring adapter. Is there any additional information you might need?
neoechun (2016.12.13)
can i attach dslr camera to this telescope and take astrophotography?
Customer service:
Dear Neoechun, thank you for interest in Levenhuk products. This telescope can be used for astrophotography. You will need a T-ring to attach the dslr camera. The T-ring can be purchase in your local camera store. This telescope is currently out of stock. Please check the similar model: Levenhuk Strike 120 PLUS Telescope (SKU 65620). It is quite the same model, but it comes with an advanced kit of accessories.
Dale Lester (2016.11.12)
Is this telescope suitable for observations of Saturn? Can I see Andromeda galaxy in this scope?
Customer service:
Yes, Levenhuk Skyline 120x1000 EQ telescope allows you to observe these objects.
Allan Hyde (2016.08.15)
Hello! How to revert upside-down images?
Customer service:
Newtonian reflector is not really suitable for terrestrial viewing, but, you can try fix image orientation with an erecting eyepiece.
Justin Gross (2016.08.06)
I tried 3.6, 10 and 25, but mostly observed with 25mm as image quality is better with it
Customer service:
To get even more detailed and quality pictures you will have to get another telescope model, with larger aperture.
Luke Chase (2016.07.25)
Hello! What accessories should I get to have a better look at Andromeda galaxy and M13, the Great Globular Cluster in Hercules? Thanks in advance!
Customer service:
Could you please specify which eyepiece you observe with?
Andy (2016.06.21)
Greetings! Can this telescope model compete with Dob 8"? The thing is that my friend has this telescope, and when I tried it, I didn't notice such big of a difference between them.
Customer service:
The Dob 8" model has a much larger diameter. Levenhuk Skyline 120x1000 EQ can't really compete with that.
Mahrya (2016.05.27)
Is planetary nebula visible?
Customer service:
Dear Mahrya, thank you for interest in Levenhuk products.
With the help of this telescope you will be able to observe: binary stars with angular separation of over 1.5", faint stars (up to 12 stellar magnitude);structure of sunspots, granulation and solar flares (with an aperture filter);
phases of Mercury;lunar craters (5 km in diameter);clearer view of atmospheric bands on Jupiter and the GRS, shadows cast by moons onto the planetary disk;Cassini Division in the rings of Saturn and 4-5 moons;
Uranus and Neptune as small disks with no details;tens of globular clusters, bright globular clusters are resolved into cosmic dust at the edges;
tens of planetary and diffuse nebulae and all Messier objects;
brightest objects from NGC;
Phil (2016.01.26)
I live in a country house a few kilometers away from the city center. The thing is that there are a lot of lamp poles on the street. Will it affect image quality?
Customer service:
Yes, intensive street light can strongly affect image quality. It's better to find a dark place for your observations.
Toby Dixon (2016.01.16)
Hello! Will I get quality images of the Moon, stars, planets, nebulae with this microscope? Is it suitable for urban conditions? Are produced images sharp?
Customer service:
Levenhuk Skyline 120x1000 EQ Telescope is great for planetary, as well as deep-sky observations. It's better to use this model in the countryside.
Ross Glass (2015.12.09)
What accessory will I need to rotate the image for terrestrial observations? Diagonal prism or diagonal mirror?
Customer service:
Levenhuk Skyline 120x1000 EQ is a reflecting telescope therefore it's not recommended to use diagonal prisms and mirrors with it. It will cause a degradation of image quality.
Jaime Odom (2015.08.14)
is this model great for planetary observing?
Customer service:
Yes, Levenhuk Skyline 120x1000 EQ Telescope is perfect for planetary observations.
Hayden (2015.07.18)
What Planets Can You See?
Customer service:
Dear Hayden, thank you for interest in Levenhuk products.
With the help of this telescope you will be able to observe:

binary stars with angular separation of over 1.5", faint stars (up to 12 stellar magnitude);
structure of sunspots, granulation and solar flares (with an aperture filter);
phases of Mercury;
lunar craters (5 km in diameter);
polar ice caps and maria on Mars during oppositions;
clearer view of atmospheric bands on Jupiter and the GRS, shadows cast by moons onto the planetary disk;
Cassini Division in the rings of Saturn and 4-5 moons;
Uranus and Neptune as small disks with no details;
tens of globular clusters, bright globular clusters are resolved into cosmic dust at the edges;
tens of planetary and diffuse nebulae and all Messier objects;
brightest objects from NGC;
some details are resolved on the brightest and largest objects;
details are not resolved during observations of most galaxies.

Is there any additional information you might need?

Looking forward to your reply.
Jake Pineda (2015.07.15)
What is the highest useful magnification of the instrument? Can I obtain, let's say, 400x using additional accessories? The telescope is great! love it!
Customer service:
The maximum useful magnification of the Levenhuk Skyline 120x1000 EQ telescope is 228x, we do not recommend exceeding this value,
doing otherwise will lead to a significant image quality loss.
Jack O'Hara (2015.07.05)
Does the Skyline 120x1000 EQ come with the primary mirror
already center spotted?
Customer service:
Dear Jack, thank you for interest in Levenhuk products. All our telescopes comes with a manufacture's adjustment. But as it is a reflector type, the mirrors inside need adjustments, from time to time.
Is there any additional information you might need?
Neal Odom (2015.06.30)
Hi! Which eyepiece I need to obtain the highest power?
Customer service:
To get Levenhuk Skyline 120x1000 EQ to its highest practical power of 228x you need a 5-mm eyepiece.
Neal Odom (2015.06.30)
Hi! Can I use Panasonic FZ 62 Lumix for making photos, videos?
Customer service:
Theoretically, you can use this camera with Levenhuk Skyline 120x1000 EQ, but we do not have suitable adapters in our product range.
Lynn Walters (2015.05.09)
Could you please help me to make the right choice? I need a telescope for a person with zero experience. I'm planning to observe in the countryside. I want to observe the Moon, planets and other bright objects. Generally I like Levenhuk Skyline 120x1000 EQ. Is it ok for me? As I understood, reflectors blur images a little so they are not so great for planetary observations... Could you suggest something? Thank you!
Customer service:
Levenhuk Skyline 120x1000 EQ Telescope is perfect for you. This model is designed for beginners. The telescope has a very high optical quality. Reflectors do not blur images (though it might happen if you observe in the city with its high level of light pollution). With Levenhuk Skyline 120x1000 EQ Telescope you will be able to observe Solar System planets as well as deep-sky objects.
Nick Wolfe (2015.03.21)
Hello! I just have some doubts about the telescope's highest practical power... why 230x? Focal length which is 1000mm divided by 10 (10mm eyepiece) and then multiplied by 2 (2x Barlow) equals 200x. Where did you get +30?
Customer service:
The highest practical power is calculated as follows: objective lens diameter * 2. Hence, 114mm * 2 = 228x. Your formula is also correct but this number is the telescope's highest practical power with this particular eyepiece (in your case 10 mm).
Jena Chandler (2015.03.05)
Is Levenhuk Skyline 120x1000 EQ suitable for observing stars?
Customer service:
With Levenhuk Skyline 120x1000 EQ Telescope you will be able to observe the following celestial objects:
The Moon, planets and their moons: Structure of sunspots, phases of Mercury, lunar canyons and craters (5.5 km in diameter), polar ice caps on Mars, as well as highlands during oppositions, more atmospheric bands of Jupiter, shadows from its moons on the planetary disk, Cassini Division in the rings of Saturn and five of its moons, Uranus and Neptune as tiny disks.
Stars: Binary stars with angular separation of 1.5"", faint stars up to 12 stellar magnitude.
Nebulae, galaxies and star clusters: Tens of globular clusters, diffuse and planetary nebulae, galaxies. All of Messier objects, the brightest NGC objects under good conditions, features of bright nebulae, galaxies, however, are viewed as bleak gray spots.
Isaac Holley (2015.01.31)
It uses spherical mirror, right? I read somewhere that there is a special lens installed in focusers of small telescope tubes, which is supposed to correct for spherical aberration. But this trick doesn't really work, and it just results in low image quality (blurry images) when observing with high and even medium magnifications. Is that true?
Customer service:
The optical design of the Levenhuk Skyline 120x1000 EQ telescope includes spherical concave high-aperture mirror which is hidden inside the optical tube. The telescope provides high-quality images even when observing with medium and high magnifications.
Jack Barnes (2014.12.28)
For fast and easy tuning I recommend using a laser collimator.
Customer service:
Thank you for your feedback on Levenhuk Skyline 120x1000 EQ Telescope.
Leslie Avery (2014.12.06)
Hi! What accessories come in the kit with this telescope?
Customer service:
The kit of the Levenhuk Skyline 120x1000 EQ telescope includes SUPER 25 and SUPER 10 eyepieces.
Robert Dunn (2014.10.20)
Hello! Bought this telescope for my kid, but I really like using it too. The design is great, no complaints, the construction is simple and reliable, seems like it's going to serve us many years to come. No doubt it is more compact than similar models like Levenhuk Strike 115 PLUS for instance, which is very convenient if you are going to use it in your apartment or transport (I'm planning on taking it with me to the countryside). Also I'm gonna buy 4.3 eyepiece and a solar filter additionally. On the first unclouded night I managed to calculate moonrise time (using Stellarium software) and had the opportunity to observe the Moon and even Jupiter. The image is very good: I observed from my apartment in the city with high light pollution level and I should admit - image quality is great! I even saw Jupiter's belts and satellites. The Moon is just magnificent! Summarizing, this model surprised me a lot! I've got tons of positive emotions already after the first use so I totally recommend it!
Customer service:
Thank you for your feedback on Levenhuk Skyline 120x1000 EQ Telescope!
Will Kerry (2014.10.09)
This is an affordable reflector with a really great mount. I have been using it for almost half a year now and I am very satisfied with this telescope’s performance. Looking forward to trying astrophotography soon, already purchased a digital camera here!
Customer service:
Thank you for your feedback on Levenhuk Skyline 120x1000 EQ Telescope.
Robert Neal (2014.10.06)
I see that there is a little “war” between Strike and Skyline. I think both are decent telescopes, but I honestly prefer Skyline (I own 120x1000). I believe that all accessories you need in the kit are eyepieces and Barlow, and all the rest you can always choose and buy separately. So I’m on team Skyline! ;)
Customer service:
Thank you for your feedback on Levenhuk Skyline 120x1000 EQ Telescope.
Suzanna (2014.10.04)
I got this telescope as a gift on my last birthday! It's great. It's perfect for observing planets, satellites, the Moon and deep-sky as well. I enjoy using it.
Customer service:
Thank you for your feedback on Levenhuk Skyline 120x1000 EQ Telescope.
DEAN SWANSON (2014.10.02)
Hello! Thanks a lot for helping me to make the right choice! This telescope produces quality sharp views with no effect of chromatic aberration. Every detail has been carefully thought through, build quality is great. Thanks one more time.
Customer service:
Thank you for your feedback on Levenhuk Skyline 120x1000 EQ Telescope.
Judi Miller (2014.09.26)
Thanks for the answer! Tell me one more thing.. the telescope is equipped with parabolic or spherical mirror?
Customer service:
Levenhuk Skyline 120x1000 EQ is equipped with a spherical mirror.
Judi Miller (2014.09.24)
Hi! Tell me please which lens can be installed on this telescope for coma correction? Do you have erecting eyepieces for reflectors in stock?
Customer service:
Unfortunately, suitable coma correctors and erecting eyepieces are not available in our store at the time.
Keith (2014.08.13)
Hello, I can't decide between this model and Levenhuk Strike 115 PLUS, can you help me?
Customer service:
These telescope models have similar specifications, Levenhuk Strike 115 PLUS is a preferred choice due to its extensive kit of additional accessories that come with the telescope.
Perry (2014.06.25)
which eyepieces should I buy in addition to this telescope? Is it possible to use Barlow lens with it?
Customer service:
Optical accessories with barrel diameter of 1.25" are suitable for this telescope. To achieve the highest practical power of the Levenhuk Skyline 120x1000 EQ model, you'll need 4.3 mm eyepiece. Unfortunately, this product is not available in Levenhuk store at the moment.
Kurt Montgomery (2014.06.19)
I'm a newbie... do I have to completely remove the large black cap, unscrewing three bolts, or is it enough to pull out this small round thing in the middle?
Customer service:
You should remove the cap entirely.
Kraig (2014.06.02)
How tall is this telescope?
Customer service:
Dear Kraig, thank you for your inquiry. The tripod legs are telescoping. So, the minimum height with the tube is 225 in.
The maximum is 375 in.
Is there any additional information you might need? Looking forward to your reply.
Kraig (2014.06.02)
Which is more powerful the skyline 120x 1000 or the strike 90 plus?
Customer service:
Dear Kraig, thank you for interest in Levenhuk products.
The highest practical magnification of the Levenhuk Skyline 120x1000 is 230x. The highest practical magnification of the Levenhuk Strike 90 Plus is 180x. Is there any additional information you might need? Looking forward to your reply.
Lui (2014.06.02)
Hello! I'm a beginner... is it reasonable to purchase this model? I'm gonna take it with me to the countryside...
Customer service:
Yes, Levenhuk Skyline 120x1000 EQ is perfect for observing outside the city.
Simon Kidman (2014.06.02)
So I can obtain 200x magnification using standard 10mm eyepiece and 2x barlow from the kit. Did I get it right?
Customer service:
Yes, the maximum out of the box magnification of Levenhuk Skyline 120x1000 EQ is 200x.
mitch zeller (2014.05.30)
Two models - this one and Levenhuk Strike 90 PLUS... which one to choose? I'd like to observe planets and satellites (the Moon, Mars, Saturn, Jupiter). And one more thing... what else should I buy to get 'terrestrial' images?
Customer service:
Levenhuk Strike 90 PLUS is more suitable for planetary observations due to refracting optical design. To get terrestrial images you need an accessory called erecting prism.
Pamela Thompson (2014.04.26)
How clear will Andromeda galaxy look with this telescope?
Customer service:
The picture will be pretty detailed with Levenhuk Skyline 120x1000 EQ.
Jim (2013.12.16)
Please suggest a good telescope under $200
Customer service:
Levenhuk Skyline 120x1000 EQ would be the most powerful telescope in this price range.
Bashar A (2013.11.18)
Does this Telescope comes with a bag or just a box?
Customer service:
Dear Bashar A, thank you for interest in Levenhuk products!
The telescope comes in a box.
Is there any additional information you might need?
Looking forward to your reply.
Eli Williams (2013.09.14)
sorry, I was mistaken in my previous comment. The image is upside down and left-to-right. So another question. Can I use a diagonal mirror and erecting prism to get direct image? Thank you.
Customer service:
No, to get direct images you will need an erecting eyepiece, but we do not have it in our product range at the moment.
Eli Williams (2013.09.14)
And one more question... I figured out that thanks to its built-in Barlow Lens the image is reversed but not mirrored. So what do I need to buy to turn it into the right position?? Thank you in advance.
Customer service:
The image is reversed from left to right and upside-down as in all refractors.
Joe Neel (2013.08.28)
Hello! I'm really interested in this model. But as a beginner, I do not know anything. The question is can I see planets such as Jupiter, Mars, Saturn...? And what the image orientation will be? reversed? It says: "Highest practical power, x: 230', under 230x magnification will the image be sharp? and if no, then what will I need for that? do prices change with time? like once a year? and also tell me, how much does delivery cost (I live in Chicago)?? Thank you!!!
Customer service:
Yes, it's possible to observe Jupiter, Mars and Saturn with Levenhuk Skyline 120x1000 EQ. The image will be upside-down as in all reflectors. Yes, the image will be sharp. Our prices do change once in a while; at this moment you can see the current offer on this product. You will be able to see the shipping cost during checkout prior order confirmation.
Shelly (2013.08.16)
so is it 114 or 120 mm? What comes in the kit? Is it possible to connect a Canon camera?
Customer service:
1. The aperture of Levenhuk Skyline 120x1000 EQ is 114 mm.
2. The kit includes: the telescope tube, finderscope, tripod, equatorial mount, eyepieces SUPER 10 mm and SUPER 25 mm.
3. You will need a T-ring.
Stephen (2013.08.10)
I just don't understand one thing! Why on the tag I see '120mm aperture' and the same thing I was told when I bought this telescope, but if I measure it there's only 114 mm. And about the mirror it's better not to write at all...
Customer service:
We are truly sorry about that, there was a mistake in the product's description. The telescope Levevnhuk Skyline 120x100 has the objective lens diameter of 114 mm. The information on the website has been updated.
Kelly (2013.08.08)
Could you tell me what is the 'red dot finder' from the product's description? Is there this model without this option or with something else instead?
Customer service:
Sure, this model can be equipped with an average optical view finder. Just mention that you want this model with an optical finder in the comment, while ordering it.
Clyde (2013.08.04)
Hello! I got this telescope as s present, I really liked its design. Unluckily I haven't got chance to use it because of the weather conditions:( I'm waiting for a clear sky.
Customer service:
Thank you for your feedback!
Henry OBrien (2013.07.20)
I have one more question. What eyepieces/lenses should I use to obtain maximum magnification?
Customer service:
To obtain the maximum useful magnification we recommend an eyepiece of 4.2 mm focal length, but, unfortunately, we currently don't have that in our product range.
RachelSemple (2013.07.14)
Hello, is it possible to install the telescope drives on both axes (for astrophoto), advise any drives please
Customer service:
At the moment, we don't have any suitable drives in the product range.
Nichol Gill (2013.06.03)
Please, tell me, what adapter ring should I buy for Nikon D3100? We measured one in the store but it didn't fit. (as I think, it is only for Nikon 5xxx models).
Customer service:
You will need a T-ring for Nikon cameras.
Bob (2013.05.28)
Hi, what kind is the primary mirror: spherical or parabolic.
Customer service:
Hi Bob, it has parabolic mirror. If you have any other question, please do not hesitate to contact us, we will try to help you.
Paul Moore (2013.05.08)
What should I buy to get the highest practical magnification (230x) of the device?
Customer service:
To obtain the highest practical power you can use 4.5 eyepiece, or a combination of a 2x Barlow Lens and a 9 mm eyepiece.
Paul Moore (2013.05.06)
What is "out of the box" magnification?
Customer service:
The maximum magnification "out of the box" - 100x.
Paul Moore (2013.05.02)
tell me, what is the telescope's tube length? If it's possible, in inches.
Customer service:
The telescope's tube length is 25 inches.
Samantha Thompson (2013.04.27)
Tell me, under what magnification the image will be ok?
Customer service:
Under the highest practical magnification of 230x.
Linda Smith (2013.04.10)
is this model better suited for city observing or in nature? Can I take pictures with Canon EOS and what will I need??
Customer service:
This model is perfect for observations in the city. For astrophotography you will need a T-ring.
Laurel Williams (2013.03.23)
How is it possible that this telescope has 46 cm tube length and the focal length of 1000 mm?
Customer service:
It's possible thanks to a built-in Barlow lens.
Pauline (2013.03.09)
Alexander, did you buy any additional eyepieces? I bought 6.5 mm and 5 mm and I can perfectly see Jupiter even in the city with a high level of light pollution. It's not that big of course but its strings can be detected and the satellites are seen too. I'm really satisfied with this telescope, but I'm becoming an advanced stargazer:) so I've been thinking of purchasing something more impressive.
Customer service:
Thank you for your feedback!
Debbie Noble (2013.03.09)
Nick, thank you for your advice! I'll try to adjust the telescope, maybe something went wrong.
Customer service:
Thank you for your comment!
George Smith (2013.02.28)
How can I achieve the highest practical magnification??
Customer service:
You can use a 4.5 mm eyepiece, or a combination 2x Barlow lens and 9 mm eyepiece.
Jerry Wilson (2013.02.27)
Hello! I bought this telescope last month but I didn't have a chance to use it, so here's a question... where I should keep it? The terrace (the glazed one) will be fine? Or it's better to keep it inside the house?
Customer service:
It's fine to keep Levenhuk Skyline 120x1000 EQ on your terrace.
George Smith (2013.02.25)
Can I see Andromeda out of it?
Customer service:
Yes, you can see Andromeda through the Levenhuk Skyline 120x1000 EQ.
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